While investigating the vault on Eos, Pathfinder Ryder theorized that the Remnant may have been attempting to terraform the Heleus Cluster. Carbon dating on the vault structure at Eos indicates the vault went dormant at about a similar time period. Remnant structures found on Habitat 7 have been dated to 300-400 years old, meaning they were constructed during the Initiative's journey to the Heleus Cluster. After some sort of conflict that unleashed the Scourge in Heleus, the Jardaan left the cluster and have not returned since. The Remnant were created by an advanced species possibly native to the Heleus Cluster known as the Jardaan.
This chamber also unlocks the escape-route access to a chest full of valuable Remnant items. Take out the force of Remnant machines that guard the door, then open the door and climb up to the bonus terminal to solve the glyph puzzle and earn 2 skill points. This area can also lead to a bonus area - before returning to the central platform, fight (or sneak) your way up the zig-zagging pathways to the far side of the chamber after activating the bridge (it's to the east on your compass). On the right side of the next platform is a control console that will extend the bridge leading into the control room. When facing the purification chamber on the central platform in the main chamber, jump to the platform on your left with the large plant growing on it. In order to reach the central control terminal, you'll need to extend the bridge to it and unlock the door blocking your path. The door will spring open and Ryder can be on their merry way.įight your way through the first room and down through the hallway into the massive open chamber leading to the heart of the Vault. If the terminals that appear were numbered, from left to right: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5, you would want to first activate Terminal 5 then Terminal 4. The good news is that the solution is fairly simple once you fully understand which terminals each interface controls.

In order to open the door from the antechamber into the main portion of the Vault, Ryder must solve an infuriating lever puzzle. After activating all three monoliths around the desert surface of the planet, venture into the Vault entrance that appears and take the gravity well down and activate the terminal SAM indicates.